About the Programme

The Unicorn Programme: The Master’s Course. To the outside world I had achieved significant accomplishments. I had four degrees including a PhD and I was building an amazing career as a marketing strategist. Then I had an encounter that kick started other encounters. One day, I heard God say: Come out of the cave. I knew what He meant. I had gotten used to hiding in plain sight. I knew I was capable of so much more but I was afraid of being 'too much'. Also, I had varied interests and I wondered how all the pieces of my life fitted into each other. This conversation with God caused me to look inward and confront the fact that deep inside I was afraid of what success really would look like and I didn't really trust God in all areas of my life. Thus, began a 7 year journey of learning true intimacy with God, obedience, trust and risk taking with God. Since, then my life has transformed. I have hosted amazing life transforming conferences, I have been a TEDx Speaker, I have spoken at Fortune 500 companies, I sit on boards of companies but the my most significant achievement is partnering with God to help women shine their God given light. In my role as a Unicorn Leader, I have partnered with God to coach women into recognizing their 'Unicorn-ness'-their God given uniqueness and value that the world is so desperate to see. The learnings from my journeying with different categories of people has been distilled into different courses of varying intensity from 3 months to 6 months and to now a year long programme that is guaranteed to change life as you know it. I have seen the transformative frameworks used in the Unicorn Programme transform the lives of amazing women from millennials to grandmothers and everyone else in between. God's desire is for everyone to access the MORE that He has in store for them. Your highest ambition is nothing compared to God's plan for you. As such we will spend a considerable amount of time identifying and dismantling negative mind and life scripts as well as uncovering our heavenly identities. Also, every dream that has been gathering dust in your journals will be revisited and birthed according to God's leading. You will also dream new dreams and you will see them manifested in the course of this journey. It's time to truly awaken. It's time to shine your God given light in it's totality. It's time to walk in deeper intimacy and trust with God. It's time to walk on water with Him. This is the year that everything changes for good. Welcome to this transformative journey!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Congratulations, Your Transformative Journey Begins!

    • Identifying and Building With Your Tribe

  • 2

    Lesson 1: Who Told You You Were Naked?

    • Who Told You You Were Naked?

  • 3

    Lesson 2: The Battle For The Mind

    • The Battle For The Mind

    • The Battle For The Mind-Teaching Slides

  • 4

    Lesson 3: Strongholds

    • Teaching Video

    • Teaching Slides

  • 5

    Lesson 4: God-A Reintroduction

    • God-A Reintroduction

  • 6

    Lesson 5: Identity a Re-introduction

    • Lesson 5: Identity a Reintroduction

    • The Unicorn Programme Masters Course Session 5-Identity-A Re-Introduction Teaching Slides

  • 7

    Lesson 6: Identity-Examining Your Thoughts

    • Identity: Examining Your Thoughts

  • 8

    Lesson 7: Understanding Your Spiritual DNA

    • Understanding Your Spiritual DNA

  • 9

    Lesson 7 Reflective Session: Unpacking Your Spiritual DNA

    • Reflective Session: Unpacking Your Spiritual DNA

    • Reflective Session Slides

  • 10

    Lesson 8: Discerning the Call

    • Lesson 8: Discerning the Call Teaching Video

  • 11

    Session 8: Discerning the Call- Reflective Session

    • Discerning the Call Reflective Session

  • 12

    Lesson 9: The Shining

    • Lesson 9: The Shining (Teaching session)

  • 13

    Session 10: The House Presentations 1

    • The House Presentations 1

  • 14

    The House Presentations 2

    • The House Presentations 2

  • 15

    The Course Finale!

    • The Course Finale!

  • 16

    Hearing From God

    • Did God Really Say? How Do I Know It's God Speaking?

    • Dealing With Doubt

    • Dealing With Disappointment: I Thought It Was God But...

    • Protecting the Promise

    • Birthing the Promise

  • 17

    Identity: Understanding Your Origin and Heavenly DNA

    • Reflecting The Son

    • Unpacking Your Heavenly Identity

    • Identifying and Unpacking Your Giftings and Graces

    • Unpacking Your Value and Your Value Systems

  • 18

    Taking Ownership of Your Journey

    • Understanding Your Office

    • Discerning Your Call

    • Claiming and Reclaiming Your Territory

  • 19

    Embracing The Call of God on Your Life

    • Dreaming With God

    • Water Walking With God: Taking Faith Based Risks

    • The DNA of A Unicorn

  • 20

    Your Part in His Plan

    • The House That God Is Building

    • Your Part in His Body

    • Your Part in His Plan For The World

  • 21

    Transforming Your World

    • Identifying 'Your Jerusalem'

    • To The Ends of The Earth: Harnessing God's 'MORE' for Your Life

    • Practicum

  • 22

    End of Year Retreat

    • Presentations

    • Prophetic Prayers and Commissioning

    • Graduation

7 Pillars of Transformation

Over the course of 12 months, this course will deal extensively with the following areas

  • The Mind

  • The Heart

  • Your Heavenly Identity

  • Building With Laser Focus

  • Risk Taking With God

  • Embracing Your Unique Mandate

  • Internal and Environmental Transformation

Course Overview

A Snapshot of What to Expect and The Details You Need

  • Course Format

    *Bi-weekly virtual coaching classes *Teaching Classes + Question and Answer Sessions *Key One on One Touch Point Sessions *Accountability templates and partners *Prayer requests and prayer sessions *End of year retreat and commissioning

  • Duration: 12 months

    In partnership with the Holy Spirit we will go deep as we learn about intimacy with God, healing, identity and leaning into our God given assignments without apology, fully trusting in God to transform us internally and transform our environments through us

  • 20 Course Participants

    The 2022 cohort will only consist of 20 participants to enable us embark on a meaningful and in-depth transformative journey.


Registration ends on the 10th of December, 2021.Only 20 spaces are available for the year. Once the spaces are filled up registration will close.For payments within Africa please send an email to [email protected] for further details.

  • $10,000.00

    Regular price

    Enroll Now
  • $1,000.00 first payment, $1,000.00 / month onwards

    Christmas Special

    Enroll Now

God's Unicorn Leader

I help you uncover and walk in your God given uniqueness and purpose

Picture of Esther Longe, God's Unicorn Leader

What People Are Saying About My Teaching Style

Vulnerable, Patient, Totally Reliant on God

I am grateful for the revelations God showed us through Esther's teachings , The palpable power of God's manifest presence as He spoke through her and through our classmates which led to many being set free, delivered, and empowered by God . I am also immensely grateful for Esther's vulnerability and her life example answers to the questions asked, her immense, noncritical and nonjudgmental patience with us all, and her total reliance on The Holy Spirit- Tolu A.

She Brings Out The Sleeping Giant in You

Esther has a way of breaking down any complex situation into simple steps. You leave every meeting knowing exactly what to do next. And she will be on your case too until you follow through. She brings out the sleeping giant in you! -Oma N.

Loved The Unconventional Homework

Again nothing to add here because you poured out from yourself every session. I certainly got much more than I signed up with you Esther - certainly much much more than I had bargained for! I got much more than I paid for. The only thing if I was forced to recommend anything would be for the programme to run for much longer. I got so used to the amazing sessions, the unending Q&As [in which you patiently listened], our check-ins and the unconventional homework you dished out to us while smiling from ear to ear. They always felt like evenings of teaching, learning and camaraderie. Now that the course has ended, I am not so sure how I am going to fill up those evenings- Ola O.

The Best Investment

The Unicorn Program is one of the best things I could’ve signed up for. This decision to invest in myself has helped me in so many ways I didn’t expect it to. Dr Esther is an amazing teacher. Attentive and supportive are understatements when describing the kind of teacher that she is. Overall, this is a course I recommend to every growing Christian- Antoinette O.

Love the Practicality and Realness

The practicality and relatedness Dr Esther uses to share. She breaks down each topic and you would understand. I also love that from her examples you can tell you are not alone on this journey. At the end of the day we just want to love God and keep choosing to love him which is the important thing and she taught this well _ Lolade A

I Have Been Pushed Out Of My Comfort Zone

Thank you Esther for such a great course, for extending yourself and giving your time, energy and resources as much as you could. My life is forever changed because of it, I am walking in a new season with God, I have been challenged, I have been pushed out of my comfort zone, I have learnt that in order to grow my relationship with God, I have to put in the work but God is ALWAYS willing to meet me right where I need Him. This was the best investment for my 2020 and I look forward to more programmes like this from Dr Esther Longe- Tamara D.

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Its Time To Build, It's Time To Go Deeper

The Course Starts the Week of the 10th of January, 2022. Only 20 Spaces Available

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

In case you missed it...

For more information on the course, it's delivery, payment within Nigeria and Africa, installment plans please email [email protected]